🚀 AgileBits 🚀 a micro-learning newsletter

AgileBits is not just another newsletter, is a real micro-learning content coming weekly in your inbox, for free.

Every issue is focused on one micro-topic, and just one: get practical insights and tips on Agile Programming, Extreme Programming, Lean Software Development, DevOps and technical excellence - in less than 5 minutes a week.

By subscribing to Agile Bits for free, you will receive a new issue every Tuesday morning, straight to your inbox, about a single specific micro-topic related to Agile Practices and Software Development.

Thanks to his format, created to ensure you learn something new every week, you will get the most out of every Agile Bits issue:

  • effective - short and well organized, so that it's readable in less than 5 minutes

  • informative - focused on a micro topic to ensure a small cognitive effort

  • made for learning - simple words, summaries and other teaching techniques applied

With Agile Bits, you ensure yourself a concrete continuous improvement step, every week.

SPECIAL GIFT INCLUDED! Subcribe to access my 1-Hour Webinar about Test-Driven Development, a webinar created to equip you with the knowledge and techniques needed to succeed in entering TDD successfully and master it.

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Subscribe to AgileBits by Learn Agile Practices

AgileBits: a micro-learning newsletter about Software Development and Agile Practices. Every issue is focused on one micro-topic, and just one, and it's readable in less than 5 minutes. Powered by Learn Agile Practices


Software developer, passionate about eXtreme Programming, Agile Practices, Product development and Kaizen approach. Content creator, mentor, coach, speaker and organizer at conferences and meetups in Italy/Milan.